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  • History

    The club was founded in Feb 2002 in the South-West by a couple of CX owners who discovered that was not a dedicated owners club. Using the free MSN Groups tool, sadly now defunct, they started an MSN group and purchased the cx-gl.org.uk domain as a pointer to the group. They thought that perhaps they might get about 20 or 30 members.
    By the time we moved from the MSN Group, we had 800 members world-wide.
    In 2006, we decided that it was time to put the club on a more professional footing so introduced subscriptions @ £10 per year and moved the message board etc to this web site.
    Since then we have gone from strength to strength with active members all over the world.


    We have a National Rally each year , moving from area to area to allow as many as possible to attend. This is usually in May.
    In addition, there are several Regional Rallys throughout the year, examples being Wales, Scotland, the South East and the South West.
    Our sister clubs in Europe also have large rallies and our members are more than welcome to theirs, as are they to ours. See the calendar for details of events.
    There are meetings of members most weekends across the country for either a ride out, a shed night or just tea and chat, something we are all good at.
    Starting last year and hopefully being an annual event, we have a CX/GL day at the world famous Ace Cafe in London. In the inaugural year (2009), we had over 70 bikes attend.
    We also attend most of the main classic bike shows such as Stafford, Shepton Mallett and others. This gives a great opportunity to show our bikes to the general public. In contrast to many of the show stands from other clubs, our bikes are not just ridden there but are usually daily rides. We do have some pristine examples but the majority are being used for the purpose for which they were designed.

    Club Ethos

    The ethos of the club is based around mutual respect and willingness to help.
    We have no snobbishness when it comes to our bikes, after all if you ride a CX, there is not much point! Every example of the range is welcomed, be it a perfect original one, a daily commuter hack or a 'rat'.


    The club operates a member's shop selling such things as mechanical seals, oil filters, gaskets as well as memorabilia. See the 'club shop' area of the web site for details (user name and password required).
    We do not stock spares as such but from time to time when the opportunity arises, the club purchases batches of items for sale at excellent prices. An example of this is rear cover gaskets.
    We also have negotiated discounts with several suppliers for such things as stators, new and rewound.
    From the outset, the club has an ethos of share and share alike with parts being exchanged for at most the cost of postage, and often not even that.
    In addition, the web site has the parts lists and fiche pictures for almost all of models, together with availability from the major suppliers, enabling you to go to the dealer with the correct part number.
    The long term aim, one of the reasons for the introduction of subscriptions, is to have unobtainable parts re-manufactured. We have had a significant success in this area with Eurosport/Turbo rear brake discs. There are various technical experts in our sister clubs throughout the world who are working on projects to help keep the bikes on the road, one of these is pistons for the 650 engine being done by a member in Australia.

    Benefits of VIP (full) membership

    Apart from the friendships you make through the club, there are many tangible benefits. Examples are:
    • Reduced rates of insurance, usually more that the cost of your membership.
    • Unlimited access to the expertise of club members, many of us are long-term owners who have seen most problems and can offer a speedy diagnosis
    • Access to the Club Shop allowing major savings on prices available to the general public
    • Free access to the major shows as exhibitors.


    We have negotiated discounts with the two main suppliers of classic motorcycle insurance.


    Registration on the site is free and easy. At registration you will be given the option to become a VIP member.  The cost is  £10 per calendar year. For this, you get unlimited access to all areas of the Web Site including the Club Shop as well as the preferential rates mentioned above. 
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