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Bikini Wax.


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Thats a funny show Bob I look at it every Monday. Reminds me of Fran and his gang. Lol


Didn't know any of then were into dressing up

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Thats a funny show Bob I look at it every Monday. Reminds me of Fran and his gang. Lol


Didn't know any of then were into dressing up


Martin I'll have to send you a PM as it just wudn be right to post the goings on of this lot on a family site like this.

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Bob, very good

Not my favourite comedian but the wife likes him. This is probably his best stuff, didn like his other live stuff, too bloddy intent on constantly taking the p&&s out of private femine stuff, ya I know I am as open minded as the next three or four lads but he dont normally do it for me.

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Some of his stuff is ok....lot of it just crude crap.


My wife worked in a department store years ago and met him as a customer....obnoxious little pr**k was her impression of him....and this was confirmed by someone else who had dealings with him too........


Say no more.



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