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little Billy

Guest FRAN C

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Little Billy came home from school to see the families pet rooster dead in the back yard . Rigor mortis had set in and it was flat on it's back with it's legs in the air . When his dad came home Billy said , " Dad our roosters dead and his legs are sticking in the air ? "


His father thinking quickly said , " Son that's so God can reach down from the clouds and lift the rooster straight up to heaven ." .... "Gee Dad that's great," said Billy . ........A few days later , when Dad came home from work , Billy rushed out to meet him yelling , " Dad, Dad we almost lost Mom today ! " .." What do you mean?" said Dad. "Well i got home from school early today and went upstairs , Mom was in your bedroom flat on her back with her legs in the air screaming ," Jesus I'm coming , I'm coming " ..... "If it hadn't been for George next door holding her down we'd have lost her for sure !"

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