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Women only car parks


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Hi all, What about this for an idea then



What a brilliant idea this is. At least women can feel safe now.




With the high rate of attacks on women in secluded car parks, especially during evening hours, Cardiff City Council has established a "Women Only" car park at the new St David’s Shopping Centre. Even the attendants are exclusively female so that a comfortable and safe environment is created for patrons.





Below is the first picture available of this world-first women-only car park in Wales .








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Oh Bob ...................... I cant see you getting any gravy on your spuds for a long long time to come, in fact I cant see you getting any spuds at all.

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Hehheheeeeeeeaaaargghhhhh Umm I mean "Bob that's very naughty... " ahem.


I'm very lucky with Robbie - she openly takes the mick about many lady drivers herself! So I don't need to watch what I say


There are of course many women are really excellent drivers. Here's one:

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