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BrendanO commented on BrendanO's gallery image in Scotland Area's Images
BrendanO commented on BrendanO's gallery image in Scotland Area's Images
BrendanO commented on BrendanO's gallery image in Scotland Area's Images
BrendanO commented on BrendanO's gallery image in Scotland Area's Images
A selection of images of bikes belonging to Scottish Members. All bikes welcome, CX or otherwise.
In East Lothian, Drift Cafe by Tantallon Castle is hipster and fancy, often busy, but with the best views in the world, I’m not surprised. Good coffee, cake and soup. if lucky enough to get inside table, notice how they are carefully arranged so no table totally blocks the view for others. also E Lothian, Glenkinchie Distillery is v pretty (thats why Diageo bought it, and I believe closed a better bit less-picturesque one), not been inside as on bike. Food truck outside tho!
I think that should have been Que sera sera, in case a few Pedants are reading.
Great Pics, Bike and owner both looking well. You are like me I manage to post a photograph and then the next time I try it takes me all day. Che Sera Sera as they say.
A selection of photos of my 1980 A model, including it's original form in the early 80s, it's discovery in 2016 in my grandparent's garage where it had been sitting for 30 years, some rebuild progress photos and finally a few from more recent runs.
Sorry Mark, just spotted your comment mid-Jan! NTV is classic high-end Honda build, but not comfiest seat (got mine refoamed for Germany last year). Tiny battery for size of engine. I put higher bars on, used to get sore shoulders after 90 min, would still like a little higher. Engine accrues speed in a "modern" manner, competent but not exciting. 55mpg urban stop-start, more out of town. Fine 2-up. Heavyish to pick up if dropped <ahem>. Mine was low mileage, dealer serviced annually, until 4 yrs before me when it was all year commuter for previous owner. This does mean a bit of corrosion, and a tendency to snap fasteners occasionally (eg fork leg) when dismantling; that was a PITA. Then again, I paid £530 in 2011 for a 26k bike. I've replaced reg/rect unit, silencer (downpipes I think last forever), done forks, new clutch at 50k. 2-3 batteries. Tappets and plugs a bit of a bugger to get to.
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